Yiqing Mitty Ma

Music Theory


Yiqing Ma is a Ph.D. Candidate in Music Theory. Her research interests are the intersections between music and language, body, performance, gender, and intersectional identities. These inquiries include intersections of feminist theory, critical theory, timbre, and voice in Japanese popular music and contemporary music, as well as the global history of music theory exchanges between East Asia and the West, reflected in her current dissertation project. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Minnesota and then received her M.M. from LSU. She recently published her empirical work focused on emotional perceptions of lyrics on MUSICÆ SCIENTIÆ. Mitty enjoys playing with her cat cereal outside academia, as well as playing the carillon on Lurie Tower and Burton Tower in Ann Arbor.

Contact: yqm@umich.edu


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